In our journey to the eastern region of the Island, we find Granma. The province was named in 1976, to honor the yacht used by the Cuban rebels during the independence war. Even if its origin is a recent event, Granma hosts some ancient villages such as Manzanillo and Bayamo which have played an important role in the history of Cuba.
The panoramic view of the region is just amazing. The destination brings together prairies and mountains in a perfect harmony. Certainly, a great chance to enjoy nature to a full extent and get along with the most authentic Cuban traditions.

The province is a place not to be missed in your visit to the East of the country. Hence, accommodation facilities are varied and well spread throughout the most touristic cities.
On one side, there are some hotels that can offer the opportunity to enjoy European colonial styles, or more modern buildings that contrast with the rest of the area. For sure, in both cases you will find a tender service and comfort.
On the other side, Granma is a region with growing bed and breakfast lodgments. Would you like to enjoy the authenticity of the Cuban people? Book in a “casa particular” for some nights. Undoubtedly, you will find yourself surrounded by a warm home environment.

What to do in Granma?
Granma is a province that hosts some notorious cities and venues that are renown all over the world. When visiting the region, the traveler can either enjoy the most natural atmosphere at the countryside or a coastline.
The capital city of Granma, Bayamo, is a village that will expose some traditions and a wonderful architecture. Definitely, an alternative to enjoy open-air activities, local cuisine and nature.
Another renown and beautiful place to visit is Manzanillo, the cradle of the rich bourgeoisie and Cuban catholic families. Indeed, the colonial style of its churches, houses, parks and monuments are the best reason to make a stop by.
Likewise, we find Niquero, a city full of aboriginal traces, natural parks, and some spots related to the Cuban history. It was exactly at this coast where the Cuban rebels along with Fidel Castro had their first battle.
Last, but not least, Granma offers a paradisiacal getaway in Marea del Portillo. The venue is a magical location where the beach coexists with the mountains, forming a tropical paradise. Thanks to the distance that separates it from other cities, the place is the perfect option to take a break during you trip to Cuba.

Granma is only accessible by land, however there are a lot of traveling possibilities. You can get bus tickets, rent a car, or take a taxi. It is also a good idea to make a few days stop if you already are visiting the eastern villages.