

At the heart of Cuban gastronomy lies Spanish cuisine, which has been shaped by African culinary influences. These influences have transformed the way dishes are prepared, introducing new ingredients such as ñame, an exotic plant renowned for its nutritional benefits. Cuba was not only a popular destination for immigrants from China, but it was also renowned for their valuable contribution to the local gastronomy. They brought with them essential ingredients like black cherries, which added an extra dimension to the cuisine. The combination of these various cultural influences has resulted in the unique and delicious flavor that Cuban cuisine is known for worldwide.

Some specialties of Cuban gastronomy:

El Congrí: composed of red beans, pork, rind, bacon and rice.
Moros y Cristianos: rice with braised black beans.
Lechón: roasted, grilled or fried pork.
Yuca con mojo: cassava cooked with a sauce made of oil, garlic, salt, pepper and lemon.
Ajiaco: type of dried meat and beef ragout served with vegetables, corn, green bananas, potatoes.
Langosta enchilada: lobster (particularly popular with tourists)
Tostones: Slices of mashed and fried green bananas.
Tasajo a la Cubana: dried and stewed meat, served with plenty of sauce.
Tamal en cazuela con mariscos: it is a seafood stew and tamal, corn dough rolls filled with meat, spices and vegetables, seasoned with plenty of sauce.
Ropa Vieja: vegetables with meat. 

Cuban Drinks

Cuba is renowned for its delicious cocktails, with mojitos, ron collins, daiquirí and piña coladas being savored daily.
Rum is the absolute king of spirits, a national liqueur that has gained worldwide fame. Havana Club is the most famous brand, but Matusalén, Caney, Ron V.C., Varadero, Bucanero, Bocoy and Paticruzado are also very popular. Santiago Rum, aged 15 years, is a rare find that can only be found in Santiago de Cuba.
Apart from being drunk as a beverage, rum and fruit liqueurs are also used to enhance the flavor of scrumptious fruit salads.
Cuba is also famous for its tropical fruit juices, with cane juice, guarapo juice, and coconut water being the most popular on the island. Tropi-Cola, a sweeter version of the national Coke, is the most popular drink on the island. Other common drinks include lemon or persimmon orange soda and Caracas malt, originally from Venezuela.
Cuban coffee is creamy and intense and is typically served black and sugar-free.